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HomeDiabloSport OBDII Port Cover - C2000

DiabloSport OBDII Port Cover - C2000

DiabloSport OBDII Port Cover - C2000

DiabloSport OBD-II Port Cover
Part C2000

Protect your aftermarket tuning with the new DiabloSport OBDII Cover.

When you take your vehicle in for service, the dealership will routinely update the factory tuning. Whether you ask for it or not, a factory re-flash comes with almost every trip to the dealership. When you are running the ho hum factory tuning, these re-flashes go unnoticed. But when you are running aftermarket performance tuning, the last thing in the world you want it a factory re-flash. A factory re-flash loses your aftermarket tuning, and re-installs the boring factory tuning. This DiabloSport OBDII Port Cover will protect your aftermarket tuning by eliminating access to the OBDII Port, and will let a dealership or any other workshop know that they should NOT flash your vehicle's computer under routine maintenance.
DiabloSport OBDII Port Cover - C2000
Item #:C2000
Your Price$24.99
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DiabloSport OBD-II Port Cover
Part C2000

Protect your aftermarket tuning with the new DiabloSport OBDII Cover.

When you take your vehicle in for service, the dealership will routinely update the factory tuning. Whether you ask for it or not, a factory re-flash comes with almost every trip to the dealership. When you are running the ho hum factory tuning, these re-flashes go unnoticed. But when you are running aftermarket performance tuning, the last thing in the world you want it a factory re-flash. A factory re-flash loses your aftermarket tuning, and re-installs the boring factory tuning. This DiabloSport OBDII Port Cover will protect your aftermarket tuning by eliminating access to the OBDII Port, and will let a dealership or any other workshop know that they should NOT flash your vehicle's computer under routine maintenance.

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