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Know the Science Behind Your Airaid Intake
An Airaid intake is designed to direct cooler air into the engine of your vehicle. Without an Airaid intake, that air is preheated as a consequence of engine heat near the air cleaner. Why is this so important to your vehicle? The colder the air, the denser the charge— and that means an increase in horsepower. People active in the auto racing industry have known this for years, and some racers take it to extremes. A few have been known to run the metal fuel line in a coil just ahead of the carburetor, placing it in a cooler the size of a coffee can. They then fill this container with dry ice to chill the fuel. With an Airaid intake, you can get the results you want without taking it to extremes.
A few things to keep in mind with an Airaid intake:
When you're installing an Airaid intake, be sure that you don't run it too low to the road. This is important to remember, since rain or water on the road could be sucked into the intake and the engine itself. Water, unlike fuel or air, is not compressible. If water gets introduced into the engine, it can cause a whole host of problems. When you are installing your Airaid intake, make sure that you take the proper precautions.
An Airaid intake is exactly what you're looking for as far as vehicle enhancement is concerned. These filters are made of a state-of-the-art hand-poured urethane body that is impervious to cracking. This is the ideal material for a cold air intake, as chrome cold air intakes simply do not work. Installing a metal tube doesn't make sense— a metal tube conducts heat rapidly and ultimately does the opposite of what it sets out to do. An Airaid intake is made out of the most ideal material for the purpose of cooling off your engine.
The best place to install the front of your Airaid intake is behind the headlight or in the right side fenderwell where there aren't any openings between the inner fenderwell and the fender. Be sure to consider all of these things when you're getting ready to use an Airaid intake. wants you to get the most out of your vehicle. That's why we carry everything you'll need to ensure that your vehicle runs to the best of its ability. Between that promise and an Airaid intake, you can't go wrong!