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HomeSuperchips Superchips AccessoriesSuperchips EAS Universal Sensor 98605

Superchips EAS Universal Sensor 98605

Superchips Accessories
Superchips EAS Universal Sensor 98605
EAS Universal Sensor 98605

The EAS Universal Sensor Input provides the ability to read any 0-5 volt signal and translate that signal a meaningful value for display on the Superchips TrailDash. This means you can add custom temperature, pressure, Air/Fuel and even Travel/Position gauges to your TrailDash!
Superchips EAS Universal Sensor 98605
Item #:SC-98605
Your Price$166.95
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EAS Universal Sensor 98605

The EAS Universal Sensor Input provides the ability to read any 0-5 volt signal and translate that signal a meaningful value for display on the Superchips TrailDash. This means you can add custom temperature, pressure, Air/Fuel and even Travel/Position gauges to your TrailDash!
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